Commercial Approach Fenix Scientific AB
Fenix Scientific AB, established by Ingemar Pongratz in 2012, is based on two main areas of activity. First the company aims to support organizations, companies, authorities and other stakeholders to apply for public funding. We focus on complex and large projects such as EU funding project under Horizon 2020, EUROSTARS and other schemes that provide support considerable funding to the applicants. The consulting activities of Fenix Scientific AB are concentrated into Pongratz Consulting where the company exploits the large experience of Ingemar Pongratz in the field of public EU funding projects.
Fenix Scientific aims also to develop and commercially exploit scientific knowledge in the field of AhR biology. This knowledge based on the scientific experience available in the company is developed in collaboration with different partners.
Thus we are currently discussing with several organizations how to establish productive and mutually beneficial collaborations. In the near future we expect to collaborate with a selected European Research Institutions and scientific environments to further develop and commercialize our ideas.
We believe that a close collaboration between different sectors will allow us to maximally exploit and reach our scientific and commercial goals as soon as possible.
To perform the planned research we are actively looking for both public funding and we are also interested to collaborate with private investors.