.Opposition to the European Green Deal
Lack of vision or legitimate concerns?
By Ingemar Pongratz

Nacka Maj 2020 av Ingemar Pongratz
The COVID-19 pandemic is sweeping across the world and have revealed a number of shortcomings in several sectors. In Europe, it was clear that the EU was not prepared to address the challenges associated with the COVID pandemic. National governments in isolation tried to adress the challenges using different approaches. This strategy was filled with unfortunate incidents, such as blocking of medical equipment in transit to different member states, export restrictions etc. However, there was also room for EU solidarity, in the form of treatment of patients across borders etc.
The pandemic has revealed structural weaknesses in several societal sectors. For example, in Sweden there was considerable concern that the pandemic could distribution the food chain. The main reason is not necessarily lack of food. Rather, the concern idisruption of the distribution chains. This disruption would lead to shortages in food stores. Food is today a global commodity and the distribution chain is also global and thus susceptible to delays.
Interestingly, the European Green Deal aims to the food distribution chain and make food more local. In addition, the Green Deal aims to reduce the agricultural impact on climate change. In fact, the European Commission suggests that use of pesticides and fertilizers should be reduced (by 20-50%), that 25% of the agricultural production should be organic and that at least 10% of the land used for agricultural purposes should be transformed to forests.
This is a very ambitious plan and many stakeholders see this vision as completely unrealistic. Opposition to the European Green Deal argues that these aims will disrupt the agricultural market and create major problems for the agricultural industry.
However, the benefits associated with shorter and more robust distribution chain are considerable. It is also important to include more agricultural research in the equation. The European Green Deal aims to fund a lot of research activities. This activities will produce results that will transform the agricultural sector. This research should create new products that will serve both the agricultural sector and provide better protection for the environment and climate.
The European Green Deal is a very ambitious endeavour and can lead to major long benefits for Europe and internationally. It is important to keep the long term vision alive and remember that new research will lead to new, better products.
For example, Letavis AB has developed new compounds that act as bio-stimulants. In industrial pilot test we can provide major increases in agricultural yield on a large variety of crops.
New research is the key and efforts to run business as usual will not provide the long term effects that we need to protect the climate, the environment and consumer health.
Ingemar Pongratz is founder of Fenix Scientific AB / Pongratz Consulting. Ingemar Pongratz is also co-founder of Letavis AB. Please contact us for our services or in collaboration. Use the online contact form or by email.
ingemar.pongratz () pongratzconsulting.com

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