Sustainable increase of agricultural production

Stockholm 2020 by Ingemar Pongratz
By Ingemar Pongratz
There are a number of major new policy developments that affect the European Agricultural sector. At the policy level, the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is still being discussed and it is still unclear what level of financial support will be available for the European Agricultural sector in the next European funding period. This period starts in 2021 and will extend to the end of the 2027.
Agricultural financial support is a major budget post for the European Union and provides considerable support to the agricultural sector. In particular farmers provide very different types of support including support during different types of emergencies. Other activities supported by the CAP include also research and innovation related activities.
In addition, the European Union recently unveiled their plans to launch the European Green Deal. These ambitious initiative aims to ensure that Europe becomes the first climate neutral continent in the world. As the Food sectors represent a considerable source for greenhouse emissions, the European Green Deal will affect the European Agricultural sector as well. Sustainable increase of agricultural production represents thus a major future challenge.
However, additional policy developments will affect Agricultural sector. For example, the European Court of Justice recently ruled that certain genetic techniques, such as CRISPR/CAS9, falls under the GMO category. This ruling will make it impossible, or at least very difficult, to introduce CRISPR/CAS9 into the European Agricultural sector. Still, there is a considerable need for innovation and technological development. However this development need to respect European legislation and customer choices. To meet this challenge, European Parliament members advocate a shift in the CAP, to provide more financial support to farmers who embrace technological development. Other areas that will contribute towards the E<uropean Green Deal include the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation scheme among others.
It is very important to ensure that the output from the European Agricultural sector is stable. Thus, new products that increase production without contributing to the environmental or climate burden are required.
There are very interesting products that may very well contribute towards improved production in the agricultural sector. One example is Letavis AB. Letavis AB has developed new products that provide a substantial increase in yield for a variety of crops. Most importantly, this increase in not accompanied with a climate or environmental burden.
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Nacka 2020 by Ingemar Pongratz